Wednesday, September 21, 2022

2022 Colorado Elk Odyssey - C4 EP4

The final evening was upon us.  In the morning we would pack up and drive to Denver.  Neil, Chris, and I decided to give it one last good try at the popular big meadow with the lake where we were told a week ago two bulls were seen at dusk battling it out on the far side of the water.  Jeff and Dave would hunt one last area they wanted to check out. 

Driving to the top of the drainage, we passed one lone campsite tucked away on the opposite side of the trail.  We parked and saw several well used old campfire rings nearby, some with toilet seated portable plywood privies still there.  The ring closest to the truck also had this skull which looked to me like the previous years kill as there was still some connective tissue on it in places.



Looking out over the hunting area, it was a grand view and appeared like classic elk territory.  It was the heat of the day and we had formulated our plan.  Chris would hunt the left side and sneak down to the woodline opposite the lake by dusk, Neil would go right up the middle skirting the lake and heading into the top meadow and set up an ambush inside the woodline there.  I would go similarly up the right side drainage and surround the area from the right. 

Chris bid us adieu and set out on the left as Neil and I were discussing our plans.  I glanced down into the valley and there was another hunter already ahead of us heading in toward where Neil was going to go.  He said, "Oh well, I'm going there anyway" and set off.   I took my sweet time trying not to break a sweat as I went across the open hot meadow and headed into the drainage for the final hunt.

 I wasn't feeling too optimistic, but I slowly worked my way up in elevation.  Nearing a top clearing, I thought the area looked pretty good as I passed a game trail that had an older looking elk track on it. I glanced up, looking for good ambush sites and noticed something white.  I got closer to reveal a white "bucket seat" that another hunter had used to watch the trail.  Disgusted, I backed out and traveled farther towards the lake area along the same trail to set up farther and came across a little island of trees that over-watched the trail - perfect.   Looking over, I see some dirtbag had left a huge wad of soiled toilet paper there.  Well, talk about scenting up an area!  Why can't folks learn to bury their crap in a hole.

I backtracked lower down the drainage to another game trail that was not as trafficked and set up an ambush.  I was physically beat, hot, and demoralized at this point.  I sat there reflecting about what we could have done differently.  We put in the effort and certainly hit the hunting hard.  I was longing for my memories of Idaho and cursing the tag caps that the DNR put in place there for non-resident OTC tags.  

After several hours I just decided to sneak back to the upper road and follow it back to the truck before it got too dark.  It was a bit farther than I thought, but made good time back there.  I was hoping Neil and Chris might have some luck.  

At the truck I grabbed a quick drink and headed back to the ledge overlooking the area to listen and glass before darkness fully fell.  The view was awe inspiring and peaceful and helped put my troubles in perspective.

Looking down at my feet something caught my eye.  I picked up a shiny disk and read the inscription.

Apparently, some deceased sportsmen from Wisconsin had his ashes spread here and it was likely one of his favorite places. This find really makes a person think!  Suddenly, the hunt seemed a bit more "productive'.

As I stood there, a older blue pickup truck with CO tags pulls up and a rather short fire plug shaped fellow emerged from the truck sporting jeans and suspenders.  He began talking on his phone loudly and I grimaced as he disturbed my "peace".    

As this was going on, Chris came down the road from the other direction and reported nothing seen as well.  Once done the phone conversation, the gentleman began to talk with us and his younger son emerged from the truck to join in.  He told us this was about the only place to get any cell phone reception up there.  He also asked if we saw any sign of bear as another hunter apparently killed a bull several days ago just over the ridge.  He told the other hunter did not recover the animal until two days later by following the vultures and took the head.  These guys came across the carcass and there was a large black bear feeding on it.  The son showed us a video.  We chatted awhile and the duo recounted that last year was the first year either of them killed an elk, when his son killed a cow.  The old man had hunted up there for 30 years until that point.  

Anyway, they wished us luck and we parted ways.  It was getting very dark now and Neil, who is usually the first one back at the truck, was not yet back.  Hmmm....maybe he got into something.  

We sat and chatted until it was pitch black and decided maybe he was taking much longer than he thought to get back to the truck via the top road which was his plan.  So we started down the road that direction so he would not have to walk so far.  About a mile later we spotted some lights coming across the meadow.  We waited as they approached, but before long a truck passes us and turns down a little access road towards the headlamps.  The truck and the three lights join up at yet another camp.  Sheesh!

Going back to the parking spot we found Neil there just starting to panic we left him.  He came up the opposite side.

That night around the campfire hunters enjoyed the time, the beer, and the conversation of like minded folks well into the night. Crashing in our bags the stars were amazing in the clear night sky.  We all passed quickly into exhausted deep slumber.

The next morning we headed out of the area and back to civilization.  Jeff recommended we stop at a little cafe he knew about for a big hot breakfast so that sounded splendid!  Packing up, we followed him to downtown Breckenridge!  Five stinky hunters spilled out of two trucks to the shock and awe of the resort towns bustling population of vegan and "granola crunchies".  After a fine breakfast we hit the local gift shops to purchase trinkets for our loved ones back home.  Jeff was particularly interested in the jewelry dealers as he left his wife on her birthday with a rotting racoon in his backyard (a long and sorted story).  I found a pair of earrings for my wife and a book and stuffed animal for my 9 year old son.  

After a quick stop at the trout fishing store we ended our hunt at a brewery with a few cold ones.  Was the trip a fun time? Sure was! 

Thanks for tagging along, there is always next year!   


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

2022 Colorado Elk Odyssey - C4 EP3

The final morning hunt was upon us.  

This huge tract of dark timber was several miles wide and ran up from a road at the extreme valley floor below, to the entrance road at the top.  The area was surrounded by meadows. The plan was an all out assault created by our beloved "General" Chris.  We would all leave from the truck at the top of the mountain.  Jeff and Dave would depart from us and hunt straight down the left side. Chris and Neil would cross and hunt from the right in a classic pincer movement, While I would high tail it down near the bottom and hook around coming upwards.

View from the top.


We were in high spirits as we filed slowly from the vehicle, but things quickly tuned sour as we spotted another hunter's camp near the entrance point.  Bummer, but not knowing where he was hunting we continued with the plan and skirted the camp.  


Here "General" Chris gives out his final "orders" and sends Jeff and Dave out to very slowly go down the left side.

Jeff and Dave appear amused as they make their departure.


Reaching the far side side meadow, I started high tailing it around and down towards the valley.  As I rounded the first peninsula of trees, I was greeted with the sight of two large campers parked on the other side of the valley.  Ugh!  

Rounding the bottom end's steep ravine, I entered a pocket of meadow leading into the dark timber that had a small picturesque pond. 


A family of small ducks greeted me as I made my way around a game trail skirting the pond with no discernible elk sign.  I entered a small fold in the top of the meadow near a large overhanging boulder and was greeted with the cool dark musty timber.  Ooooh, this looked good.  A steep hill bordered on the left, topped by a nice;y timbered bench. To my right the drainage flowed down to the top of that meadow pond.  It was green and grassy and filled with ferns and succulent plants and I stopped to listen for 20 minutes before I started side-hilling the slope on the right.  OK, I actually had to take a big dump, but the the wind was in my face so no harm done!  I felt like there could be elk here, there had to be.

Not soon after, I started my slow stalk.  I thought I heard what sounded like a small bull on the bench!  A gutteral half chuckle. Or was I imagining things? Did I just hear that right?  I cow called softly back, but heard nothing in response.  Then, I thought I detected the snap of a twig.  I crept forward towards the bench about 15 more yards, placing me in a good spot as the terrain hid me from sight until the animal was very close.  So I waited...and waited.   Still nothing.  I cow called again, and repeated the waiting.  Finally, I had no choice but to continue on.  I never heard anything else, but I thought if I spooked it, maybe it would run into Chris.  I would side-hill around and up again, maybe also run into it.  Or did I just imagine it all in the call of the birds?

I was hunting really well, really slowly.  Making sure every time I eased over a finger or out of a depression, that I scanned and waited.  I felt effective and just needed something to shoot at. 

After several hours however, I made it back up top to the meadow.  Again, the strory was the same, no fresh sign, no sightings, nothing concrete.  At least I didn't bump into any hunters and I was curious if the others saw anything either.


Meeting up at the truck, I found Neil, Jeff and Dave already there.  Their story was the same.  We certainly covered that area anyway.  We sat in the shade of the truck and swapped stories, but still no Chris.  After about an hour more we began to have hopes maybe he got into something.  Soon, however, he came sauntering up the meadow.  He didn't have any luck either, and said he heard me cow calling down in the bottom.  Damn. It turns out he went lower than he planned and it was likely that I heard him as well on that bench. 

We had one last evening hunt and we discussed plans as we ate our lunches at camp.  Neil, Chris and I would go to that large drainage with the lake where we heard the story of two bull's fighting.  Dave and Jeff would check out one last area they wanted also.  We were covering a lot of ground and running out of options...and time.

2022 Colorado Elk Odyssey - C4 EP2

To our frustration the morning hunts proved uneventful for both groups of hunters.  We were covering a lot of terrain, but still had a scarcity of elk sign.  Back at camp over lunch, Neil, Chris and I decided to hunt a much longer grassy meadow that ran into the East side of the area.  There were many ridges running on both sides of the valley with a small hiking trail down the center along the water.  We would hunt both sides and try to find good terrain for a ambush at dusk. 

Starting out early in the heat of day, Chris would hunt the North side slopes and Neil the South, I was to go deep and also hunt on the South.  We parked the vehicle and prepared for a long evening.  Chris took a practice shot with his judo tipped wood arrow at a small stump and broke the shaft just behind the point.  I shook my head and started down the foot path.  



Well it used to be a foot path, but the trail was pounded into a muddy lane by numerous cattle and a few horses.  I came to the conclusion that the ranchers had finally rounded up the cattle herds and pushed them out into the valley to be corralled at the reservoir where we started.  I've heard many folks tell me that cattle activity doesn't affect the elk behavior and others that say they go far to avoid the areas where cattle were.  In any event, I was heading about a 1/4 of a mile down the valley and then picking a nice drainage to explore.  

I approached a nice elky looking bend in the meadow and fold going up and around a nicely timbered hilltop.  Side-hilling around I was immediately confronted by a barbed wire fence!  Huh, I didn't think there was private land in this area, but after consulting my phone maps I decided to shift strategy again and head directly across the meadow back to the North side.  Perhaps Chis will move an elk in my direction.  I entered the dark cool timber and started to gain elevation.  Maybe a couple hundred yards from the meadow was a well trodden trail running parallel to the meadow.  Above that is started to get really thick.  There were blowdowns everywhere and the new growth was already many years old.  I surmised that this area was beetle killed about 5-10 years ago and the huge trees were felled by differing winds over the years leading to a cross cross maze of gigantic trees.  

I was creeping along slowly and heading around some of the deadfall when I notice movement to my left and only 25 yards to me front!  There was Chris sitting on his big chair, whittling a taper onto his judo arrow with his pocket knife.  He looked up seemingly at me, but went back about his work.  I chuckled to myself and as he didn't see me, I decided to have a little fun.

I slide out my little cow call and blew a soft new in his direction.  Snapping his head up he looked panicked.  I could not believe it but he still did not see me!  This WWII style Fred Bear camo of my Dad's really worked effectively.  So I blew a second call and his face immediately flushed with relief and realization.  He was set up watching the same good trail I saw.  I told him I was going to try to get above him and go up and to the left, and we parted ways. 

Immediately, I was challenged with getting through the deadfall.  I decided I needed to get around this stuff.  I went over, under, around, trying hard to get through quietly to no avail.  Finally pushed my way through to a hillside and I gazed out over a continuation of the same tangled mess as far as I could see.  The only thing left to do was go backtrack to the right to get around it.  After only making it 50 yards from where Chris was just below it, was more of the same.  I had to actually go straight back the way I came up to get out!  Chris heard me snaking through the trees and that gave him a little excitement again when he thought I was an elk.  I talked to him and told him that, "no wonder the trail was so well worn, it was the only way around this mountain!"   I told him to sit there the rest of the evening and I would go back across the meadow and head another 1/2 mile down the valley on that side.  I was again happy with myself for sneaking so close to a hunter in ambush, but also a little "fatigued" at the lack of sign and good hunting spots. 

I had an uneventful hunt on the South side, but I thought Chris really had a chance on that trail if I left him and the area alone.  I was hoping he would connect and when I emerged into the meadow as it was getting dark. I got a little anxious as I knew I was far from the truck, and for a minute I could not figure out which direction the truck was in. The meadow seemed to go down in elevation in both directions!  Finally I told myself to calm down and consult the GPS and phone and headed out quietly scanning for elk as I trudged back towards the truck.  It turned out neither Chris nor Neil had seen any animals, and we learned a similar tale back at camp from the others.  

We had one more full day to hunt and get it done.  We planned an all out assault on a new, very large drainage, the next morning. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

2022 Colorado Elk Odyssey - C4 EP1

The drive was 2 hours but seemed exceptionally long. We were headed to another hunting unit but were still in the same forest.  This part however, would not be wilderness area and we would potentially need to compete with ATVs. 

The only road up to this area was a terrifyingly narrow windy dirt road, made even more treacherous by the dry dusty conditions and numerous campers and trailers leaving the area.  Looking down from the sheer drop offs at times reminded one of being in an airplane.  The terrain in was a little different with much sage brush, but once we got into the hunting area it was back to grassy meadows dispersed between dark pine timber. Classic elk terrain.

We found a site at the campground and there were several other groups of hunters with trailers and ATVs, but not the crowds we saw in the other area.  Chris was itching to scout an area we saw on the drive in, so Neil dropped him off while the rest of us established camp.  We would not bother setting up the tipi this time, and would just sleep out in the open on our bags.


The sites backed up to a small pond they called a "Lake", but I suspected there might be some trout in there to catch with the Tenkara rod.  




After unpacking and a meal, the guys took both vehicles out to glass in different directions to see if we would locate any animals at dusk, and find some areas for us to hunt in the morning.  I volunteered to stay back and try to catch some fish for dinner. There were plenty of small trout rising and feeding on midges, though I could only hook up this small guy on the dry patterns I had with me.  Too small, I released the pretty brook back to fight another day.


When we started out many days ago, the moon was just a sliver, now it was almost half and bright in the clear evening sky.  This photo does not do justice at the beauty of the moon reflected off of the lake at dusk. 

Back at camp that evening, the guys reported no elk glassed on their scouting mission, though they did find good looking areas to target in the morning.  Neil spoke with a couple others glassing a deep meadow with a lake and was told that there was a citing of two bulls battling it out several days ago on the far side of the lake at dusk.  You all know how those "stories go", but since the area seemed popular we decided to attack two other drainages in the morning.

Time was ticking and we only had two full days left of hunting.  It was time to get it done!

2022 Colorado Elk Odyssey - C3 EP 2

Waking up refreshed and excited, we busily gathered our gear and downed some coffee and granola.  Packing into our two trucks we headed 20 minutes down the road towards the promising area.  We dropped off Jeff and Dave at the trout parking area to ascend and hit the hillside from the west, meanwhile Chris and I would come in from the East, while Neil came right up the middle of the drainage. 

When we continued to our parking area and noticed there was a blue Toyota Tacoma parked nearby.  Maybe we would have some company?  It was a huge area though so we proceeded with our plan. 

I was the first to get moving from the vehicle and my assigned position was closest to the drainage where Neil was to come up.  I side-hilled upwards and had a smaller aspen topped ridge to go over, before climbing the main steep ridge.  I felt good and was moving silently but steadily. It was the early gray of dawn but I was glad I removed a layer of wool before starting.  The wind was in my face things seemed to be going well.  Thick young aspens crowned the top of this smaller rise as I crested I was looking hard for any movement.  Weaving around and over obstacles I suddenly heard the unmistakable mew of a cow elk!  I froze... waiting for my next move I heard it again!  I took my call carefully and slowly from my the little sleeve I made in my arm guard to hold it and blew a quiet call in response.  Almost immediately I hard a return call not only from the area I heard initially, but from about 60 yards to my left as well.  

Knowing I could not draw and shoot from the thick I was in, I began to carefully sneak out towards the calls.  Then I saw movement, and immediate recognition in my brain, as I saw another hunter arrow nocked and approaching within 25 yards.  The wind blew out of my sails.  Drat! The guy was scanning hard but still did not see me, so I took my string hand away and waved my hand at him several times before I saw his face flush with recognition.  

We made our way towards each other and made our greeting in hushed voices.  He told me he was one of two moving up from the road while there were three of his friends coming down from the top via another access road.  I asked him if he was in the blue Toyota and he said, "yup".  I let him know we had 5 total coming in from two directions and he let me know they thought they heard animals moving on the other side of the valley a bit earlier and were waiting for his top guys to move them towards him.   Not knowing what else to do, I decided to head towards the creek bed to let Neil know of the others.  I bid the fellow farewell and good luck. 

At the bottom of the gully was the skeleton of an elk, and I found a nice log to sit on which gave me a shot towards the hillside on the far side and would allow me to see Neil, or anything he pushed up to me from below.  After 1/2 an hour I didn't see any sign of Neil so I stalked up the far hillside to explore.  The was a fine looking grassy bench up there and I moved as slow and quietly as I could.  Several times, I sat in good looking areas waiting.  The bench wrapped around the hillside so I continued snug against the slope and skirted the bench.  At one point I saw a hornet nest torn apart, and this was the second I had seen from the bears feeding.  It was bear season concurrently with the elk, and that had also increased the hunter numbers around as we had talked to two other bear hunters sporting orange previously.   

At the corner where the bench wrapped I sat for a few hours until I caught movement behind me.  Chris had finally crossed over and he had not seen anything either, not even the other hunters. We headed back towards the truck with no elk sighted, no fresh elk sign, and only other hunters.  This was starting to sound all too familiar.

Back at camp we all decided on another drastic change, we would travel 2 hours South to the opposite end of the forest and another unit entirely. Packing in haste, we hit the road.  If we failed it would not be for lack of trying.  

Thursday, September 15, 2022

2022 Colorado Elk Odyssey - C3 EP 1

The trip back out was still arduous, but we made much quicker time.  We passed several groups of through hikers heading in to the lakes we just left behind.  This valley was very busy.  

It amazed us how the temperatures were in the 90's during the day, yet we could still see dirty snow/ice up high on the ridges.  The snows must be very heavy in the winter.


Laboring back down towards the vehicle we were greeted by the sight of vehicles as far as the you could see!  We realized this trailhead served another geological feature that was popular with the hikers...and it was a 3-day Holiday weekend, but we did not expect this many guests!  Now there was no one second guessing our decision to regroup elsewhere.  There were about ten vehicles when we arrived, now there were upwards of fifty. 

We headed for the small gas station back in "town" where we could get a signal and download some additional maps, talk to some other hunters, get in some hot fresh pizza and pick up some beer.  The store sold two kinds of beer... an 18 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon or a 36 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon.  So we went with the 18 pack and headed to a campground to set up a base of operations to work from.  We were now car camping and could focus on finding elk.  We set up camp and Neil scoured the newly downloaded topo maps as we formed a plan. 


We spent that evening driving around scouting drainages in the area for a possible morning hunt, as well as cleaning up and doing a little hygiene and maintenance.  We focused on a promising looking area that only had one truck parked.  The drainage was down closer to the town and near a popular trout fishing stream.  We would explore that area tomorrow and reset the hunt.


In the dark of the morning we emerged refreshed and ready to hit the hunting hard again.  I would drop down the gully, cross the trout stream somehow, and circle around the Mountain headed for a bowl over the ridge.  Neil and Chris would go straight up the hill and head in opposing directions ultimately circling back to the road by noon.  Hopefully, we would see some sign.

I knew I had the short end of the stick as my side of the Mountain would be in the sun, but I was hopeful I could find some shady folds and that top bowl that may harbor unmolested elk.  I found my way across the creek on some slippery deadfall and made my way up across an interesting old canal that reminded me of a smaller version of the C&O canal and toe-path.  Maybe they used this to haul logs down the mountain? It was only a few inches deep now but I stopped to filter a drink as it was already getting hot. 

Making my way through a tangle of young aspen and old deadfall, the climb was slow and difficult.  I was trying to sneak as quiet as possible.  I kept hoping the trees would thin out or that I would cross some folds in the shade, but all was uniform as I crested the ridge.  I always make it a habit when I crest a ridge or a finger to be ready for a shot and go very slowly.  I was standing there taking in the sights and smells and feeling the cool breeze on my hot sweaty face, when I heard a twig snap!  Keeping frozen the animal stepped out 25 yards in front of me, no idea of my presence.  Yup, another deer.  Oh well, again I proved I was at least hunting effectively if I could just get into some elk.

The crest and bowl turned out no better than the climb up.  Sunny, hot, a tangle of deadfall and not much sign.  I had another encounter with 2 more deer within twenty-couple yards that I bumped from their beds, but hardly enough shade and comfort for elk.  I headed back down the mountain and refreshing myself at the truck decided to explore the opposing side of the valley in the shade as I waited for our meet up time.  I unloaded my daypack and only carried my lightweight camo top and quiver, pounded the rest of my PBR, and headed off onto the cool slope. 

A third of the way up I was greeted by a couple game trails crossing the slope, one of which had older elk poop and some tracks.  Above these I found several small grassy benches with well worn trails through them.  Now we were talking!  This area looked promising.  Running out of time, I dropped back to the truck and Neil and Chris both reported good looking sign, though neither saw any live elk.

Back at the camp for lunch we met up with Dave and Jeff who had come off the mountain and found the camp. 

We decided to let that promising area alone for a bit to cool off and explore other drainages that evening now that we could fan out with two vehicles.  Those hunts turned out uneventful with similar stories of no fresh sign and a few other hunters.  We made a plan to hit that promising area hard the next morning. All five of us would attack the hill from different directions.  We were optimistic we should get close to some elk, and we passed an enjoyable evening at camp telling stories and putting a couple PBR away each.  The stars out there are so clear, and we counted satellites going past until one by one we all crashed for the night.

2022 Colorado Elk Odyssey - C2 EP 3

The next morning found me again plodding across the cow meadow towards a smaller back drainage that entered just prior to the larger Y-Shaped one I hunted the first morning.  I wanted to stay well clear of the "loud-mouth" camp at the head of the valley and figured I would circle around after gaining altitude back in the direction of camp. 

The small ridge I had to cross to get to the drainage was very "elky" again.  Nice dark timber and trails from the meadow below.  Again, no fresh elk sign.  I stepped over a log and noticed something sticking out of the duff.  It was a carbon arrow broken near the tip, fletched with 4 small plastic veins looking like it sat there at least a year.  I sat wondering if it was a missed elk, or a shot at a grouse for dinner. 

Continuing on and over the ridge into the cool green drainage, I thought things looked very good.  I saw the grasses freshly clipped, many trails with fresh tracks and lots of poop.  The only issue was everything is black angus poop! Still I was wired and ready.  I nearly jumped out of my boots when a grouse busted up about 30 yards away.  No shot and it flew to the next unit.  

I skirted the drainage and continued to hunt upwards into the crease of the mountains. As I neared the top, I saw a large boulder that stuck out and reminded me of the famous scene where Fred Bear was crouched behind a similar perfectly placed boulder when he shot his large brown bear.   I decided to sneak up to it, and when I arrived I caught movement in my peripheral vision to the left!  My God!  There, not 20 yards away, was a cow's rear end with head down and feeding.  I had done it!  I followed the sign, made a great sneak, the wind was perfect, and there was the animal in perfect bow range completely unaware as I stood behind the boulder.  The one last issue however, was that this was not a cow elk, but a "moo cow".  ARRRRGH!

Continuing high above camp to the North on steep and then steeper terrain, I did hear a bugle around 10 am down near the meadow, but I was almost certain was another hunter.  Perhaps the two hunters we saw at the trail crest a few days before?  Anyway, I headed down in that direction anyway, and came no closer to any elk or sign.  

Back at camp I was discussing the lack of sign with Neil when Dave strolls into camp.  We had not seen him or Jeff for several days now, and he told us of their adventures hunting about 5 miles South of us.  They also had encounters with moose, but like me, only one sighting of fresh poop and no elk.  Lots of other hunter activity also. 

It was time to make a decision.  Either we would all have to head many miles down South and farther from the vehicle / trailhead, or go back down and find new territory.  Too far South and there were other access roads and trails into the area.



We opted to go down, burn half a day hiking out and have the rest of the week to try to find some elk.  Dave would go back and find Jeff, hunt one last evening, and join us at the campground down below. We were here to kill elk, but we needed to find them first. 

Neil broke out a few large marshmallows that we roasted for energy as we broke down camp.  They were a good lightweight treat.

Chris did a much better job of packing on the way down, lowering the center of gravity.  Still, I carried the stove just to give him an extra few pounds break.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

2022 Colorado Elk Odyssey - C2 EP 2

 ...Frozen and at the ready my mind focused on the animal 30 yards to my front.  Like a cold wet rag slapped across my face I realized that I was looking at the rear end of a mulie doe.  Easing my string hand down I gently teased out the phone and snap a photo. 

A second deer busted from cover unseen from my left and I felt good about at least creeping within bow range of a few deer, but still uneasy about my prospects of an elk since I was headed off by the other hunters.  

Continuing to side hill, I find myself back at the entrance to the drainage where the steep slope ends in a large lake.  Feeling the increasing heat, and knowing I did not carry any water, I headed down towards the lake shore. Getting closer, I see smoke and hear voices from an unseen camp down at the lake head. Oh well, at least I'll go get a drink.  At waters edge I remove the burdens of my quiver and daypack. unzip the small pouch that carries my sawyer water filter and 16 oz bottle. repeating the filling and drinking twice, I sat back and enjoyed the views.  


Packing up, I had to side hill by the camp I had heard, and continue to hear.  The group was talking and cavorting so loudly I thought I was stumbling right on top of their camp despite the fact they were set up in a little copse of trees at the valley entrance.  Based on their dropping "F-bombs" constantly and being so loud, I decided to avoid them like the plague.  Anyway, I heard enough when one of them exclaimed, "I saw a spike and now I can die happy, I'm done".  

Putting some distance between us I pondered the information gathered on the morning hunt.  That Y-drainage was being hit hard on all sides and a non-shootable spike seemed to be the lone elk inhabitant. I could mark that area off. Now back to camp to see how the others fared.

When I got back to camp I was greeted by Chris sitting on his big waldrop seat and carrying a bucket of fresh water from the lake.  If my nose wasn't crusty and so damn dry from the combined forces of the air and altitude I probably would have blew snot across the meadow by the sight of him with his military "rec-specs" glasses.  He certainly can benefit from safety glasses! 

Anyway, the report from Chris (hunted to the East) and Neil (hunted to the North) was similar.  No fresh elk sign.  

We took the afternoon to rest, eat lunch, get water, and regroup.  The altitude was starting to take a toll on me in the form of a severe migraine.  I forced down water, had another cup of coffee and tried to take a short nap after setting up the tipi.  Since it was dry and the forecast was fair I didn't bother setting up the stove.

Rummaging through my pack I found my first aid kit but was dismayed to find out I no longer had any ibuprofen, advil, or tylenol in there.  Only hard core pain killers in case of broken bones or sprains. Desperate, I found my small flask of Bulleit bourbon I was reserving for a toast over a dead elk.  A few hits off that flask and I was feeling much better and ready for the evening hunt.

I decided on an area to explore near another lake, commanded by a interesting rock formation we dubbed "The Citadel" as it looked like a fortress on high.  


This hunt was also uneventful, except for a brief hike around this more popular lake.  There were numerous recently used hiker camps and I spent a little time casting a fly from my Tenkara rod to no avail.  I was tempted to take a little refreshing skinny dip, but suspected there were some hikers around.  Anyway, I was here to hunt, so I headed out and spent until dark scouting several of drainages below the lake.  


I was back at the camp with no sign of elk to report.  Chris and Neil both had encounters with moose, but neither saw any fresh elk sign either. Hmmm. Tomorrow is another day.

2022 Colorado Elk Odyssey - C2 EP 1

The hunt begins...

Waking before dawn, I hastily prepared boiling water for coffee with a little reserved for re-hydrating my cinnamon oatmeal, freeze dried apples, and powder milk concoction in a small mylar bag for breakfast.  The temperatures were not very cold yet and I knew the mid-day temps would be toasty, so after breakfast I shed my heavy wool top and donned my dad's old lightweight "Fred Bear" camo top.  This was just a little way to remember "Pop" and hopefully bring some luck. 

The three of us sped off in different directions and I headed about a mile down and across the valley toward the Y-Shaped drainage I thought was a great spot on my satellite scouting.  There were black cattle grazing in the meadow as I swiftly moved at a good pace crossing into some thick willows and entering the blow down mess that was the hillside leading into the drainage.  I took some time to let things settle down, took out a broadhead arrow, and affixed a small length of unwaxed dental floss to the upper loop of my bow string and slightly fraying the ends.  A large bright blue Stellar's jay sounded off and flew into a nearby pine as the musty smells of the morning filled my nostrils.  

The floss told me the wind was perfect for an uphill sneak, around and into the valley.  I started moving very slowly and deliberately.  The area was a dark tangle of deadfall.  I would climb or skirt a blow down, stop, look and listen for a few minutes, scan ahead for the best route and then repeat the sequence moving at a snail's pace.   The cool breeze was sinking down and I could hear the cows grazing in the meadow's edge below. 

Caching something out of place in the thick pine needles as I crept, I realized I was looking at the skeleton of an elk.  No head remained though the rest of the remains seemed relatively in the area of death.  Another lucky hunter perhaps?


An hour or so past as I drifted up the hillside and over into the drainage.  Down, in the cool willows I spotted a great sign. Fresh green elk poop!  It was not warm but definitely from the last 24 hours. 


Farther up I spotted a track.  Studying the trampled greenery smashed inside the print I also deduced this was VERY fresh.  things were looking up!


Then, I took another step and looked up.  There, looking at me in the edge of the willows, was the big dome of a 2 person Eureka tent - white with orange rain fly.  Crud!  Was this another hunter, or just a hiker close to the nearby lake?  Either way I cursed under my breath and took a bearing up the valley on the opposite side of the drainage to continue my sneak around.

The other side of the drainage was more open but steeper, which made the pace a little faster.  I headed up the right side of the "Y" and could view down into the opposing hillside as it was very steep. I took step and was listening when I heard a cow call in the creek.  Picking up my binos and looking that way I spot two compound bow toting hunters call again up into the drainage.  I watched the one guy turn and look right at me and despite being fairly in the open, he continued to walk up the valley.  I consulted the map on my phone and seeing that they were farther up than I and it was very steep on both sides, I resigned myself to circle back around hoping maybe they push one over the hill towards me. 

I continued to side hill around when I heard a noise that snapped me out of my thoughts of the other hunters.  I twig snapped and I saw a patch of tan buff through the pines...

Monday, September 12, 2022

2022 Colorado Elk Odyssey - C1 EP 3

 We trudged on up the trail, gaining in elevation and slope as we went.  Still, it was much gentler than the "Hill of Death".  


We started passing a few benches and "elky" looking areas.  Cool dark timber and grassy small parks as we headed ever upwards.  


The extra weight at this point was starting to take a toll on Chris.  His pace was slowing and he needed to flop down and rest every so often.  The younger Dave and Jeff (in their low 40s) started to distance out ahead of Chris and Neil.  Here Dave seems to exude his skepticism.



I decided I better stay back with my brother and Neil, and told the other two to go on ahead.  They said they would set up camp just over the crest and maybe come back to help after too much time.  So they headed off ahead and I encouraged the two as best I could as the final 1/3rd of the hike is the steepest. 


Now we were getting along on the steep parts about 15-20 steps before rest periods.  I offer some support and encouragement.  Things were going slowly and the shadows were growing. 

Here, nearing the crest, we could look down at the reservoir where we began, that is if you weren't staring down at your boots trying to regain your breath.  The start of the day was at zero feet above sea level and now we were approaching 10,500 or so. 


Chris and Neil were approaching exhaustion and there were only a few more steep switch backs before we crested the saddle.  

Getting to the top, I could see the bowl we would be hunting.  The shadows were growing and I was happy it looked like Chris and company would make it. 

I started looking for Jeff and Dave, but spotted a tipi tent and two other fellows setting up a cooking stove.  I chatted with them and they were also suffering from the elevation and climb up.  They were from Wisconsin and it was their first trip up here as well.  They mentioned, "the other two said they would be camping another 2 miles down the trail".  Uh oh!  Two miles?  I knew Chris would not make it that far even downhill after a rest. 

Backtracking to the crest I met them and informed them of the other campers and what was discussed.  After a rest they continued down into the valley, but I knew Chris was nearing the end.  We made it about 1/2 mile more when Chris said he needed to stop as we neared a small rise on the right hand side of the trail.  They made it to the crest of the rise and flopped down unpacking their gear. 

I knew I wanted to find a better camping spot so I circled around and located a great little spot out of the wind that already had a nice fire ring, stack of wood, and log to sit on.  I took a photo of it motivate them to move and it was only about 60 yards and another 200 to a nice lake. 


It was the end of a long day, so we decided to not set up the tipi tent and I just threw up a sylnylon tarp over my sleeping bag.  Chris had his military goretex bag cover.  Tomorrow morning was the season opener and I was looking forward to scouting out a nice Y-shaped drainage across the meadow.   I heated up a chicken Ramen and wondered about what adventures we would get into the following day.  Sleep came quickly and heavy, and it was eerily quiet up in the mountains.  There wasn't even a whisper of wind as I dozed off. 


2022 Colorado Elk Odyssey - C1 EP 2

As we unloaded our gear and started to assemble our packs I noticed that Chris was starting to struggle attaching gear to his already bloated pack.  I knew he was set on hauling up the large welded aluminum frame Waldrop pack seat I got him for Christmas last year.  It was heavy and I advised against it, but he was dead set on it.  I notice also he had the tenkara rod in a hard case zip tied to the frame of his pack, and the bulging vest he carried as a daypack.  I elicited Dave to help me convince him to rethink some of his accessories, and he came over and lifted the pack a few inches.  "Oh my God!", he exclaimed as he struggled to get it up off the ground.  Chris sheepishly relented and started to unpack a few items leaving his 45 caliber side arm, tenkara case, "extra" clothing and rain gear in the truck.  Still the Pack seat had to come along and he left his trekking poles instead.


I was still uneasy as he hoisted up his load and we set out towards the trail head.  The pack was severely top heavy and tall as he had his daypack/vest attached to the back of the chair which was attached high on the pack.



Neil looks over at Chris and the look his face says it've got to be kidding!  


As we walked by the rows of vehicles I could not help but think of a scene from the movie Platoon in my head....."I think I've made a big mistake coming here".


As we lumbered onto the trail and headed across a high banked reservoir spreading out on personal paces, I snapped this photo showing a beam of light from the heavens seemingly illuminating Neil as he poled along.  Could this be a sign?  Was he destined for great elk success!?

As the trail soon became narrow and the grade started to increase, it became apparent that Chris would begin to suffer much on this hike in.  The big question would be would he make it without burying a cache of gear along the trail?  We had already joked that one of his nicknames was "the squirrel" because seemingly every year he needs to bury a pile of equipment for the walk out.  I tried to stifle a chuckle as a curious group of three through hikers past us on the trail when I could see the side eye at Chris's burden.  

Here is a view of the elevation we needed to get up on top of, as Chris and gang head toward adventure and glory.