Monday, September 14, 2015

Squirrel In The Rain

Saturday's deer hunt had me wishing a fat doe that appeared 35 yards behind my tree would eventually feed up hill closer.  No such luck.

After they filtered away I noticed the squirrels were quite active as a rain storm closed in.  One large individual too to taunting me directly below my stand.  I fired a cedar just barely missing and curling my bear razorhead on a rock like it was made from aluminum foil.

The rain got heavier and I checked the weather was NOT going to subside.

I climbed down and packed up deciding to look for squirrel on my way back to the truck.

I was on my knees climbing through some multiflora when I noticed a grey squirrel chasing this larger fox squirrel around a tree to my front.  The fox stopped leaning out on it's front legs but completely broadside on the tree.   I leaned forward, drew, and all in one motion released.  My arrow hit with a thump and the squirrel took several bounds up the tree before releasing and falling to the ground dead.  Perfect heart shot behind the front leg.

I piled him into my back quiver as the rains started really coming down.  What a great way to save a rainy hunt.  This guy will be added to some future stew yum!

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