I took off from work all day Thursday to avoid the gun crowd or F.A.G.s (Fire Arms Guys), as I like to call them, and get a deer with my new flintlock.
I pulled into the parking area and saw 2 other big trucks. I almost decided to go back home and hunt with the bow but I had already loaded a ball in the flintlock. I got out and talked to them. They were new guys and this was their first year hunting there. They said they were going to the top of the mountain near the bedding areas, so I thought they might push some toward me. I gave them my card as the one guy said he was going to put out cameras in the summer and email me pictures. They seemed like nice enough guys so I gave them some terrain observations and warned them about “Bear”.
I sat in my sneaky-sak tree and hoped for the best but saw nothing. That is until 9:30 when one of the guys walked the trail past my stand. I do not think he saw me despite the orange! The boys left a little early…. No shooting heard.

I got down around 10:30 and walked until noon. Saw nothing but a bunch of those darn reflectors on trees. If you cannot find your stand on that small of a property then just give up hunting…Sheesh!
I fired my rifle on the way out for lunch to see if it would have gone off. Sizzle…Sizzle, sizzle ,….BOOM! Long hangfire. I think the problem was oil still on the pan. I tried to flush it out the night before with alcohol but I think it just moved the oil…I may try Acetone and go light on the oil from now on.
I headed back into the woods around 2:30pm. Went down the lower trail but the wind was blowing down, so I decided to go back high on the upper trail and sit. I brought the flintlock again. I had a view of Brent’s tree but was just a few yards inside the upper trail watching the hillside. Never saw anything but squirrel. I fired on the way out and this time it was instantaneous….BOOM! That gun is sooooo loud compared to my Hawken and even the shotgun! I nailed the knot on the tree I was aiming at.
I plan to hunt Sat. morning back there with Brent and the crowds and the WWII Mauser in hand. Too much trouble to clean the PA rifle for just a morning hunt.
I still have not decided on a place to hunt Monday, as I took my traditional Birthday off from work to hunt….somewhere….
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