Sat. am I saw a big bodied buck about 80 yards out in the overgrown field. It looked like a big boy, but was too far to make out much more then golden flashes of antler and white underbelly as it moved through the field edge, nose to the ground.

I chased a doe out of her bed at about 10 feet on my way out. I was walking very slow and quiet and actually went past her before she caught my scent and stood up / turned around. Eye to eye with a doe at 10 feet and no arrow on the string...Oh well.
That afternoon, I got my sneaky -sak (like tree saddle) and climbed the big lone oak in the middle of the field. As soon as I get up the tree a see another big fat hunter with a x-bow on his back stand in the trail and look at me. He heads off into the brush. So much for deer coming from that area. Brent saw a couple does being chased by a spike, but they were too far from him on the top road. Around 4pm the fat hunter comes bumbling back up the hill. He had so much gear hanging from his belt he looked like some kind of gypsy vendor. He heads back toward the vehicles… much for deer from that area again. Right at dark, I hear a buck grunt behind me. Along comes a basket 5 point cutting through the field. He smells my scent rag hanging from the tree and stops about 35 yards out in real skinny brush. Stays there for about 5 minutes sniffing and tasting the air like crazy. Then a big breeze kicks up and he about jumps out of his skin to run away. Darn tricky air currents let him wind me. He ran right by Brent as he was getting out of his tree. He could not shoot it anyway though as he got a spike earlier there with the compound.

When I walked out I saw the xbow guy sitting on the corner of the field… lying prone on the ground. It was 5:18 and past legal shooting light but he stayed there after I talked with him briefly????
She said he only saw 2 does that Brent later saw on his way to the truck.
I do not think I will get out again until Friday morning for a quick hunt, but it is supposed to rain most of the week.
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